Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Its All A Haze...

Okay so I tried putting the alarm clock down on the desk instead of up where I can reach it for the first time last night. My theory was I'd have to get down to turn it off, and its so much work to get all the way back up there I'd stay up, important given I had a final at 8am.

I vaguely remember trying to reach down to turn off the alarm even though it was all the way down on the desk (bout a four foot drop) and eventually getting it, after sliding out of bed and crashing onto the floor, hand still on the clock. Interesting thing being I was so tired I managed to climb back into bed and fall asleep without the thought of the final occurring to me at any time. Even more bizarre is the fact that I managed to wake up unaided at 7:46, and even managed to avoid faceplanting the ceiling as I leaned forward with the classic "OHMYGAWD PLEASE SAY ITS NOT PAST 8." Eh, I always manage to make things interesting.

Good news is I nailed the final pretty good (I always think that) and should have locked down a decent grade in that class (I always predict that too). Bad news is somehow I managed to slice across my middle and pinky fingers last night, just a paper cut style wound across the tips, while the finger between them was untouched. Weird. Very weird.

Anyway, tomorrow's is at 4pm, should be able to wake up easier for that one. ;)