High, High Into The Sky...
Nope, didn't have my first experience with marijuana.
I did however just get out of a Classics final, which I now feel MUCH better about. Going in I was pretty worried about my grade in the class, having absolutely eaten it hard on the midterm, and written a relatively crappy paper, and having gotten neither back yet with the only other grade being the final. Turns out after a marathon reading session last night and finding some awesome online classics study sources with summarys, analysis, quizzes to test yourself, and character evaluations, I managed to know a huge portion of the multiple choice section, and actually knew what I was talking about in the essay, with a full on thesis with three main points, body paragraphs, conclusion, witty ending, the whole bit.
So I turn in all the paperwork and Scantron thinking well, hopefully the final was worth a large percentage... Then I notice he has the stack of essays to pass back... I walk out of the class thinking, well shit, hope this doesn't totally ruin my high, hoping to see maybe a B- if he was in the right mood...
Basically clocked this guy as I bounced out around the corner pumping my fist having seen that I got an A. If I knew how to make that letter bigger I would. BOOYAH! No idea how it happened, but no reason to complain. I think it was my witty ending. "As far as I know, I was actually born the Prince of Wales."
Okay I'm a dork. But I guess you have to read the whole paragraph to understand. Yeah, that's it.
So anyway, we've gone from man it would be nice to get some kind of a C to not totally kill my GPA, to holy junk I might actually get something higher than a B! Phew. One more to go, and I've studied more for this next one than any test in my college career strangely enough. Only thirty multiple choice on it though as well as the essay, so a few booboos and your grade falls in a hurry. Nice thing is the essay is scored either a 1 or a 0 and multiplied by the multiple choice percentage, so as long as you pretend to know what kind of concentrated stuff you're smoking while you write it you'll get the 1 with no problem. Pretty sure if I get an A on that final I'll get an A in the class. In fact given the only other two grades were the midterm I got a 13/15 on and quizzes and I got an even higher percentage, my grade on the final will probably be my grade in the class unless its horrible.
I vote I not screw up this high, and go kick butt on Econ too! Yeahhhh! More later, we'll see what the aftermath looks like.