A Yummy Flavor of Sky...
Hung out with a couple of my third floor buddies today and went to go check out Vanilla Sky... Going to have to give that one four M's, and about an 8 on a weirdness scale of 10. Quite a trippy movie, for a number of reasons. I did enjoy the actor's performances, and Cruz isn't too bad looking and thus makes up for Diaz, but as usual the trippy aspect of the movie caused me problems. Was interesting looking at all the upcoming movie posters though and seeing a war movie with Mel Gibson, another with Nicholas Cage, and another with Bruce Willis all featured. Obviously a genre that is touching a lot of people more than usual these days, looks like we'll be getting our fill of them shortly.
Highlight of the evening was going to KMart for the first time in a while, and witnessing technology taking over... They no longer have checkout people there, its totally self serve. This is mainly because everything is now computer based, you walk up, scan your own items, feed in the cash or card, bag them yourself, and walk away, all while under the survelliance of a camera above each station. Possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen in a convenience store, but it drew looks of horror from both my friends, both of whom hope that technology will never replace people, and were quite annoyed they couldn't have a friendly conversation while waiting in line. Just another example of computers eliminating jobs they said, fearful of what our world will be like in five years. Think I'll always be pro-technology though, can't imagine where I would be today without a pc. (sad, but true)