Day to Day to Day...
Just an update for the sake of updating, pretty dullsville around here lately, just going about my regular day to day business. Did finish off Red Faction, a game that has a pretty high level for the sake of blowing stuff up, but isn't on the same level as Wolf or Ghost Recon. Planning to take on Medal of Honor: Allied Assault next, a game that's gotten rave reviews from both gaming critics and my fellow hallmates as they've been glued to their comps for a few days now hammering away at the single player campaign... I tend to wait for the weekend for such an endeavor, too busy studying and all meanwhile. :)
Crap, Valentine's Day again. Three weeks, no pressure. For a long time it was a special time of year for me, since it was a couple days after my last relationship's anniversary. After that its been largely me myself and a good book, computer game, movie, or something of the sort. Any fellow boycotters out there need a buddy? I see no shame in spreading love amongst friends, which is I suppose the overall point anyway.