Monday, October 01, 2001


Slept a good ten hours last night, yet still feel like going to sleep even though I've only been up for eight. Very bizarre. Ate at DLG tonight, the further away dining commons, because Ort was closed . Gr. They shortened all the hours just to spite me I think.

I always feel like a friggin loser at DLG, not sure why. At Ort I have no problem with going by myself, sitting by myself, reading the paper or something, watchin tv... At DLG I feel like a foreigner, I guess because I barely know anyone who eats there... Ort is generally considered higher quality food, has a bigger variety of stuff, so i frequent that one regularly.

Guess I should hit the sack earlier than usual tonight, so I can actually wake up for class tomorrow... I've discovered that by reading the paper in my really boring lecture classes and donig my homework in the other ones, time really flies by... And at least I'm somewhat paying attention to what's going on and killing two birds with one stone.

Not that I would kill a bird. That's lame. :/