Tuesday, October 02, 2001

Behind the Eight Ball...

Played some pool tonight, was quite overjoyed to find I've improved somewhat over previous attempts. I still miss the straight ones, can still make the really randomly hard ones, its just always been that way. :/ I'm not exactly a shark, probably wouldn't play for money, unless I knew I'd win. :)

Got another blank message today. How annoying is that. I get like five phone calls a week, and the last couple have been blank messages. Nothing more annoying than coming in and seeing the blinky blinky light and the big number 1 (or 2 even, on rare occasions) and getting all excited only to hear the raucous CLICK on the tape. GRRRR. Who are you? Do you not love me? :/

Did my laundry today. Its been a couple weeks I guess, or therebouts. Even folded all my clothes immediately following. I was proud. :) Washed the sheets too! What a goooood boy!

Played poker for money with the guys on the hall for the first time tonight, went pretty smoothly, ended up about even myself, with some winning and some losing. Should be a fun weekly type thing or something. Pretty sad, four days a week I don't have to get up the next day until like 1pm, yet I end up with nothing to do in the evenings/night besides make myself fat or sit in front of my computer. I need a life, damnit. Need to get into a regular Reccen schedule, been skipping days. Nothing worse than eating like a burger and feeling like you've stuffed yourself beyond all belief and gained like ten pounds. Hoif.

I think I'm making a difference. I think I'm being heard. I'll keep tryin. No need to drop the baton on the last lap, so to speak.