Thursday, September 20, 2001

Um, yeah, okay.

Some movies just invoke that kind of response. Magnolia was the best example of such a movie. Some people feel that the script was groundbreaking. I feel that it made no logical sense whatsoever. Maybe that's the point. That the movie was supposed to be scenes that were played out one after the other showing no linkage whatsoever other than all the characters singing the same not so great song halfway through. Anyway, that one was a waste of three hours of my time a year or so ago. Tonight I witnessed another such movie, although this one was better. Cradle Will Rock is set during the Deperssion, and follows around five or six storylines that eventually link up during the performance of a play with the movie's title. I think the only reason I found this movie bearable was due to the actors in it, a few of which I generally enjoy. Joan and John Cusack, Susan Sarandon, and Bill Murray all played major characters in the film and gave it at least some life. Basically it was just too deep for me, I guess. I like movies that are logical, that don't require thought into the deepest symbolical meaning of certain objects. I guess I'm a simpleton in that respect. Anyway.

Played a few hours of Black & White today, qutie an excellent computer game. I recommend all those of you who purchase it to immediately install the 1.1 patch available on their website, it fixes a lot of the bugs and problems with the game that make it almost unbearable to play otherwise. I was playing a ripped version a few months ago and thus couldn't instlal the patch, and it was really frustrating, much more enjoyable this time around. Same guy across the hall whom I borrowed the CD from also has The Sims and the two expansion sets for it Livin Large and House Party, so will probably end up jackin those temporarily off him as well, that's another quite enjoyable game. Both cause me to be in control of lots of little people. Wonder if there's a subliminal message there, or something.

Arm still recovering from racquetball yesterday, decided to give it a days rest before going at it again, its hard enough to type at the typical warp speeds with my right wrist muscles feeling like they're lifting three times the normal weight. Also turns out a bunch of the guys on my hall play soccer, so we're gonna form up an intramural team, sounds like loads of fun, who knows might actually get me in shape. The guy across the hall from me runs around seventy miles a week during training for cross country, DAYAM. I remember those days. Being fifty pounds lighter helped. That makes it sound like I'm an ogre now, the fact that I was a total stick then is closer to the truth.

Still all quiet on the western front... No word...