Talk about non-exciting days. Spent the last two hours before I went to sleep last night tracking down the source of a virus I discovered on my computer, updating Norton, finding out the virus was only two days old, and discovering it on about twenty computers over the network including the one who sent it to me. Spent just about the whole day today wandering around cleaning other people's computer of the virus, just to save other people the trouble, I guess. Some people were really nice about it, thanked me and all, others were like "how long is this going to take." Grrr. Gotta love the unappreciative types. Helped me meet some more people though, learn some more names, socialize a bit...
For those of you who think its intelligent to run an e-mail attachment called "README.exe" save yourself the trouble and just start sledgehammering your forehead repeatedly. For those of you who are that intelligent though, feel free to drop me a line and I'll point you to a relatively easy solution.
They need to start serving alfredo at the DC. It's much preferred over marinara. Yet they have that like every day and alfredo like once every two weeks max. Gr.
Managed to smash my head twice in about ten minutes on one of my friend's bed that she has lofted above her desk as I tried to fix a "windows protection error" she had run into, totally unrelated to the virus going around. That was intelligent.