Sex In Space May Not Work
"Scientists who have been looking into the movement of sperm in space, with its lower gravity, believe that they have found out that sex in space may not lead to pregnancies because the lack of gravity causes a change in it. Spem, when in space, moves around a lot more than it does on the earth, but unfortunately the lack of gravity means that a enzyme that is supposed to tell it when to stop moving does not kick in, so it cannot fertilise an egg." (
Damn. Remember how I said I would be part of that first mission to live on Mars? There's a kink in my plans.
Wait a second. They don't mean sex won't work, they mean PREGNANCY, don't they? Hm.. Maybe that's a plus, then. :)
Don't get me wrong, I love kids, its just... well dangit, never mind I'm going to go force myself to sleep more.
P.S. I'd like to thank BRUCE from the St. Louis area, someone I met online through an online gaming thing and have kept in touch with, for happening to be active on my AIM list and entertaining me for several crucial minutes on the path through boredom. You go, girl.