Sunday, November 25, 2001

Here's To The Night's We Felt Alive...

And unfortunately, could not sleep a wink... Another one of those wide awake mornings when its only 1:30am, strange, must be something in the water down here.

Just had another invigorating conversation with someone I've never met, I'm not sure what makes me so into those. Something neat about discussing random issues with a random someone, hearing opinions you've never heard, exchanging smilies with someone you've never seen before. I guess its all due to my physicality complex, I've always thought I was just average looking, not exactly the type of person one would meet and be like "WOW HES SO HOT." Meeting people through forums that doesn't include physical appearances always allows me to show them what's really there, escape all the premature assumptions.

Chatting with a friend as we speak, and said something close to what's above, and she seems to think girls find confidence attractive. If that's the case, I'm probably screwed. I've never had the swagger that some drunken orcs have when they stumble into a room full of women, and suddenly become chick magnets. Then again, I guess I'm not really looking for that kind of person anyway.

Strangely enough, I'm not as desperate for female companionship as it might seem. Now that I think about it, I'm perfectly satisfied with having a berjillion female friends. The only thing missing there is the deep commitment, and the physicalities. Yeah the first would be nice, but if it isn't there, why force it or kill myself looking?

Why does this feel like a pep talk.

Anyway, back to the random someone. Turns out as is sometimes the case I'll actually end up meeting her at some point, which is cool. Think I mentioned at some point my random trip to Ohio to meet one of those random people (wasn't female though, and I'd known him online for a few years through a computer game, scary thought as it is). She actually seems to be the type to do her homework, get good grades, all that academic stuff, maybe it'll rub off. :) In any case, she satisfies the three requirements I have in friends I enjoy spending time with: 1. Breathing. 2. Good decision making skills about certain issues I feel strongly about. 3. Can put together a coherent sentence with words longer than four letters not including "like". :)

Yeah, its kind of sad now that I think about that I have a selection process for friends. I guess some things are just very important to me, and I feel more at home with people who are like minded. I think we're all that way, whether we admit it or not. Subconscious assumptions, stereotypes, categorizing, etc.

This is a pathetically convoluted post. See what 3am gets you.

Anyway. Back to school I go, manana.