Ten Thousand
Congratulations to whomever it was that hit this site a little while ago and read the hilarity posted below, you were also the 10,000th hit to this blog. If you did happen to get a screenshot feel free to e-mail it to me and claim your prize. Photoshopped versions not accepted. :)
It's been about two and a half years that I've been pounding away into this, and it's around 440 single spaced pages. I'm over halfway through rereading the entire thing, editing it for spelling and grammar, and reorganizing it chronologically into a Word doc for easy reading start to finish. I can think of only one person who would even remotely be interested in everything I've had to say here, and even then probably just to skim if anything.
I'm also putting all the Navigator and Air Force related blogs and sections of blogs into a separate file which I'll continue to do up through the time I graduated OTS, so those interested in that aspect of my life as an educational tool of the way things might be for them can e-mail me for a much easier read. The next several months will be dominated by that stuff and would make it too time consuming, but it'll be easier to catch up anyway.
But wow, just goes to show you can put pretty much anything online and due to the world of search engines and very bored human beings people will happen across it.
Rereading my mindsets and opinions years later is very interesting, I've come about face on some things, and believe even more strongly about others. Some people who were staples in my life at the time aren't anymore, and vice versa. As time changes, things change I guess, and people change with them.