Weather Cancellation.
Apparently a term I will learn to become quite familiar with. Nonstop thunderstorms in the area had us get all the way to about 5 seconds prior to starting engines in the checklist, then we had to hold for lightning within 5 miles for about an hour or so, then eventually we were cancelled. A full brief session, flight planning spin, and a couple more hours of prep, wasted on a no grade. Our show time was 11:30, and we just got back at 5:30. At least I got a flight lunch out of it.
The real party is that we now are hitching a ride with another class, half of us in each plane, so we don't fall behind the other half of our section whose morning flight went fine. That means 5:55am showtime. Hopefully this means the rest of our schedule won't get backed up, but nothing like a full day of flight and then having to come back for a test review for a couple hours, and then have to study for the major academic exam of the phase the next day on Wednesday. This should be fun.