Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Pretty Lines on Pretty Maps, er Charts...

Plenty of that today as we started learning about the various procedures to plot routes on a chart, including compensating for turn radius and adjusting for variation and a bunch of stuff that really seems pretty basic. Literally a five hour block of instruction to fill out only a partial flight plan, based on a simple route of like five checkpoints. Some people seemed to have various problems, such as continuously forgetting to convert true north to magnetic north or vice versa, which anyone who knows a minor amount of geography will realize are not the same thing.

He keeps telling us that in the next few days we'll be receiving more information than any other time during nav schol, and I'm really hoping the next week or two are actually challenging. As it is currently it's becoming more like a chore to crawl along at a snail's pace. All for one and one for all, or something.

So tomorrow is the big medical appointment down at Brooks, where they'll probably set in motion the approve/deny action on the waiver. Whether I can get the waiver turned around in about 10 days is another story. Two bridges to cross, and then home free. Theoretically.

In other news, yesterday's temperature reached 107, with a heat index of 114. Guess I won't be running in the afternoons anymore.