Three's a Crowd....
Seems I have plenty of time to watch movies these days, wonder why...
First up we have The Graduate. Ok now look. I really gave this one a chance. I tried to ignore the whole concept I referred to earlier about not being a fan of old movies everyone seems to love, but wham by the half hour mark I had a hearts game going in the background. I actually had no idea what this one was going to be about, other than the fact that Dustin Hoffman was in it. Obviously the subject matter surprised me. I just didn't get what everyone liked about this movie. Three M's for failing to hold my attention at times. There was one saving grace, in a later scene he goes to Santa Barbara from Berkeley chasing his girl, and it shows him driving the 101 north of SB which I recognized. Interestingly enough, it shows him going through the one tunnel along the route. However, those who have driven it know that the tunnel is only on the NORTH side of the 101, not the south, so it would make no sense for him to be driving through it on the way to SB. Yeah so it was about a .5 second scene in the movie, but actually was more interesting to me than the rest of it. :/
Next up we have The Thomas Crown Affair. Very fun stuff, 5 M's. Your classic caper movie, with Pierce Brosnan doing his usual I'm too suave for words thing. Some fun twists, very entertaining. No major stunts like a Bond film, but kept my attention none the less. For the sake of brevity, I'll move right along to Quiz Show. This was pretty much what I expected, if you read the preview for the movie it's nothing outside the ordinary. We'll go with 4 M's, although I'm probably more entertained than most because I enjoy trivia and those kinds of shows. A few years ago I was one step away from being flown to NY to be on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, before I was foiled by trying to put the four main Seinfeld actors in order by their age. Who knew Jason Alexander was balding, but young.
I'm actually in someone else's room posting this and they're getting ready to go to sleep, so I'll have to cut it short. Not much going around here, today's duty day consisted of playing volleyball for two hours. Tomorrow we actually have a safety briefing for which we have to report at 0730, and then we're doing another mock PFT, and then I'll probably go to the second ground school session for NIFT even though it's repetition of what I've already learned through the reading and computer work. Friday we were given off, so I'll probably hit up Sea World or Six Flags or something. Gotta get on buying plane tickets to go home for Xmas and New Years too, you know where I'll be.