Every Once In A While...
Eating like a pig is pretty fun. Knowing I was headed out to Elephant Bar last night, I just downed a smoothie for brunch and saved up plenty of room. Neighborhood Council was rewarded for their work during the year by using up the remaining money on a dinner trip. Twenty bucks a person was the limit, and we were all sure to spend all of it. For me it was some decent jambalaya as the main course, and some pretty good cheesecake afterwards. I ended up majorly stuffed, largely because we ordered almost every appetizer they had and were passing them around. I took my fill of chicken tenders, potato skins, jumbo shrimp, garlic bread, mmmm. The only sad aspect is I'd hit a new low of 184 that morning, and something tells me tomorrow weigh in will be a bit different. You never know though, most of what I ate was meat, might have used up all that energy already.
Unfortuantely I was retarded enough to miss the 24 finale as a result, but due to some miracle FX is showing an encore of it tonight at 11. Even if I forget I set the VCR, so all should be well.
Now to see if Clay takes it home, who might I add was my pick from the very beginning! And yes I have witnesses!
Edit: Okay he got robbed. Barely. The other guy was good too. I guess.