Sunny, but DAMNIT WIND!
These past few days I've been getting my sunbathing on, but unfortunately the wind has made it more difficult than I'd like. I actually never did talk about the trip I took to the beach the day after I got here, which was a lot of fun. Although I was forced to show off the interesting tank top shaped tanlines I have from hiking last summer, it was the beginning of trying to get back to a monochrome exterior. Four of us ended up making the fifty yard or so walk that takes you from my front door to the water's edge, and took a tennis ball so we could all destroy most of our arm muscles trying to show each other up, and then whine all through the day following about what's sore. I eventually had the pleasure of being buried by two fine young women, a rare opportunity I of course took advantage of. Reminded me of the ol childhood days. The only thing I didn't do was dig a huge hole, but the sand was packed pretty hard with water not too far under, so a significantly deep hole wouldn't have been possible. Unfortunately much of the recent attempts at sunbathing have been thwarted by the gusting winds, which tend to slam the sand into you like thousands of tiny needles while you like there not bothering it at all. The gusts actually got up above 35 mph one of the days last week, which is impressive enough to make it pretty rough biking back and forth, especially in a crosswind as you try to avoid the retard freshmen on their cell phones.
They also finally opened up the pool here in the complex, which should be quite nice. Already invaded the place a few times, and it's nice not having to go all the way to the RecCen to get my swim on. Yeah seriously, how spoiled am I, half a mile via bike is too far, fifty yards is the maximum effort I'm willing to put out. Sad. I actually have been following some periodization schedules put together by a fitness trainer and incoming Officer Trainee who frequents one of the OTS forums I keep up with, which have been good for keeping me on track for hitting my goals in the running and strength events. Now I just have to keep with it, and watch the reps pile on and the minutes pile off.
Darn, was gonna post this before midnight, I flunk!