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Probably made a mistake a couple days ago when I discoverd a cache of ROMs as they're called, for the prehistoric NES. Also known as the Nintendo Entertainment System, it was quite the amazing toy for my generation. Back then it wasn't quite an addiction, but man were there a lot of hours of fun involved. So yeah, an emulator that can be easily downloaded for a PC can "emulate" a Nintendo system, such that if you download a .nes file, you're able to play the game. In my case, the guy had over 600 games, most of which I've never heard of. But man, when I hear the Super Mario Bros 3 theme, or load up some of the other oldies but goodies, I get taken wayyyyyyyy back.
Luckily the simpleness of the system allowed most games to be beaten in a matter of hours, rather than the days, weeks, or even MONTHS that today's games require. One of the words that always scares me when downloading a game is "immersive," because that usually means it either goes on forever, you can get lost in it forever, or you never want to stop playing. Luckily, I'm not the type to enjoy that kind of game. I usually get bored of a new game, some faster than others. Very rare is the game with the staying power than has me playing it on and off for more than a month.
And yes, I'm still getting real life stuff done too. Last midterm finally on Tuesday, with finals coming in a few weeks. Will definitely be holing myself up at some point, since this set of grades and the next set in June are all there are left to affect my graduating GPA. Did all the reserving and whatnot for Commencement, looks like it'll be 4pm on Saturday the 15th, with all the other hundreds of Econ and Bus Econ majors.