Friday, January 03, 2003

Resolutions, Schmesolutions.

That's my general attitude toward the whole process, I don't need a particular day to start changing the way I do things, I can pretend to do that anytime! :)

However given these will be the last six months before the rest of my life (yeah it doesn't make sense but you probably get the idea) I figured I'd actually list a few here.

I'd like to be 175 by June. This is the "ideal weight" for my height, and will put me most likely at the ideal body fat percentage as well. Now, this has been a running resolution for years, but prior years I was always somewhere in the 200-205 area, and lately I've been hovering more in the 187-192 area. So it's quite doable. Finally found a buddy gung ho about working out in the morning, so that should help. That and the fact I just continuously snack at home, and you just can't do that at school, food is only at certain times.

I'd like to look back in June and be able to easily think of several times when I absolutely had a blast. Whether it be road trips, random excursions, spontaneous events, whatever it is, I'd like these two quarters to be memorable.

I'd like to graduate on time. Ahem. This should be an easy one. Ahem.

Lastly, I'd like to be nicer to people. Not to say I'm not nice now, but nicer still. I think I'm a sensitive person, but not always sensitive towards everyone else. When I've asked people about their first impression of me, occasionally I get adjectives such as "harsh" or "abrasive," those in particular coming from two of my closer friends. That's really not the ideal personality to be giving off. I guess the people who know me well know I joke around a lot, but that can come off wrong at first. I'd like to do even more nice things for people. I'd like to give more hugs. I'd like to tell people what they mean to me in person on occasion. I guess I'd like to do a lot of things. We'll see what I can accomplish.

I heard from my friend to the far north the other day, which is always exciting. She just got back from the trip of a lifetime, and seems quite pleased with how it turned out. Great to see inherently good people gain the happiness they deserve.