Wednesday, December 18, 2002

With Good, Comes Bad.

Grades came out MUCH earlier than normal.

Let's start with some good stuff.

Writing 109EC: Prediction: B+ Official Grade: B+
No argument there.
Econ 100A: Prediction: B Official Grade: C
My bad on this one, I forgot to count the blank answers as wrong when I was calculating my score on the final. Turned out I got a 143 out of 200 rather than a 163, which is a low C uncurved. Bummer.
Econ 119: Prediction: D Official Grade: D+
Thank goodness it's not an F. Especially thanks to this next grade.
Econ 138A: Prediction: C Official Grade: F
This is the one that especialyl pisses me off. According to the online scoresheet, he didn't give me a score for the group current events project that we did. Average score on this was about 120 points, which would put me all the way into the C range. Apparently there was basically no gap between C's, D's, and F's. No one in the class got a D-, and someone only 40 points above me got a D. I e-mailed him immediately, but this is probably going to involve going in and haggling. I didn't turn it in, but I'm pretty sure the other two members of my group got scores, so they might have forgotten to put my name on it, or something. This is very annoying.

As a backup plan, I went through and recalculated my schedule for the next two quarters if the F for some reason stands. I'll basically retake the class next quarter, same book, same teacher, and end up with 20 units. It involved bumping a few sections around, but it fits.

I could stamp and holler and say I'm really going to get my head in the books this next quarter to make sure I have nothing to worry about come the end, and I'm sure a greater effort will be made, but I'm not going to pretend like there's going to be a sudden motivation to learn about economics, rather than a sudden motivation to graduate on time, and not screw up my life's plan.

Saw the midnight showing last night, more on that when I'm done fuming.