Another Weekend Trods By, But It's The Last One!
Did inventory on all the boxes I had sitting out in the garage, going through my checklist to figure out what I have to go shopping for... Time will be of the essence assuming i actually work Mon Tue and Wed this week, Thur will be the only day to pull everything together. I'd put it at about 50/50 that I'll actually work all 3 days though. The commute will probably be like 2 hours each way, and with 10-6:30 being the hours that's like 13 hours out of the house. I'll probably call the agency up tomorrow midday sometime and say sorry, find someone else to work the next two days, if it sucks that bad. They aren't even paying for parking, and they didn't even tell me what I was being paid, I guess I should have asked. It's never very tactful though. I guess I don't really care after this I'll hopefully never temp again. No need to burn bridges, but they really need to find people closer to these jobs to fill them with anyway. I'd be quite glad to use the remaining days burning cds and getting organized for school, I don't really need any more money. Managed to burn 18 movies today, but I have another 18 or so to go. That's not even counting all the other stuff I need to burn. The goal is to clear up massive amounts of space each year to start the school year, so at least for a while I can abuse the connection there for all its worth without having to worry about lack of space slowing me down.
While I burned I finally watched Casino which is pretty old but ended up being worth my time. I'l go with about 4.5 M's on this, definitely entertaining, De Niro is always fun to watch, and hadn't seen Joe Pesci in much since his Home Alone fame. Hard to be intimidated by a supposed mobster muscle man who's that tiny, though.
Guess I'll turn in early, going to probably leave at like 8:30, and I'll still probably end up late. Like I said, I'll take the money if they give it to me, but if it crosses the line to where its not worth it to me anymore, I'll probably end up bailing after the first day. I'm not usually so apathetic, but after four summers of temping, this one has been by far the worst, and has just given me even greater motivation to avoid ever being involved with corporate America again.
On a brighter note, I got a really kind e-mail from a friend last night, and that kind of thing really makes my day. I was wrong about a decision I'd made a few weeks ago, and I apologized. Those who know me or anyone else in my family for that matter know that earning apologies is generally like pulling teeth. I felt one was merited in this situation however. Glad to see they decided to accept it, and make me feel better at the same time. In the words of my pal Pumbaa "You've got to put your behind, in your past, Urrrr, Uhhh..." :)