It Starts...
Watched Season 1, Episode 1, of the Simpsons yesterday. We'll see how many I can knock out this summer. The real sad thing is when you think about it in terms of 20 minutes an ep, 291 eps, ummmm, 5820 min, ummmm, 97 hours or so? Actually that's not as long as I thought. Hell you could just lock yourself to a chair for 4 days and be done with it! :)
Also watched Saltimbanco, the first of the Cirque Du Soleil DVDs to come my way. This one also included the two brothers who are now performing in Mystere in Vegas (Saltimbanco toured back in 94) and I was amazed yet again. It's still quite cool to see Cirque on DVD, but it's really much better to see it in person. Then again I guess the price is right. Also watched Stomp Out Loud, the HBO special that was extended into a DVD based on the musical Stomp, involving plenty of rhythm, lots of noise, and toe tappin fun. Was actually better than I thought it would be, you wonder how interesting they can make slamming brooms around, but some of the sequences are pretty impressive.
Holy Jiggawats, its July? Middle of summer already, and all that. Well not really for me, I don't go back until like the 20th of Sept or something, so I still have almost three full months here. Rats.
Was looking at the Fry's ad today, and noticed they're up to 40x CDR burners now. Makes my 10x look pretty weak. Going to be doing a lot of burning as the summer wears on and especially before I go back to school too. Hrm... Not having to upgrade the comp as I normally do since I spent too much money last summer and it's still very high end, so I'm thinkin the extra money from working will go towards maybe a flat panel, maybe some speakers, maybe a digital camera, maybe a faster burner... We'll have to see. Flat panel would be the highest priority, but also the most expensive by FAR, given it would have to be at least the same size as the 18in viewable I have right now, and preferrably bigger. Aren't I just the pickiest.
For those looking for a game to entertain them temporarily, I recommend Theme Hospital, it's this quite temporarily addicting game in which you basically build a hospital from the ground up, hire staff, control the way things work, and try to make it the best hospital possible until it achieves certain ratings and you move on to the next level. Very Sim Theme Parkish if you've played that one. I seem to have run out of FPS's to play, and I'm trying to avoid starting an RPG I'll get sucked into for months, so I'm diggin out some old school stuff to keep me entertained between tv episodes/DVDs.
Man, my life during the summer is pretty lame. I need to get some hikin goin, some theme park trips, something outside the norm. I FINALLY cleaned out the van of all the boxes, organized my room, and packed a couple boxes of old stuff to put up in the attic, and put some of the stuff from school that didn't need to be unpacked into the garage. So now I'm set for the three months I'm here anyway. Oi. Is it move in day yet? :/