Tuesday, July 30, 2002

It Starts.

The young man wanders across the mall, killing time before he's to meet a friend. He's early as usual, so he spends some time browsing. He ventures into the Disney store, his favorite as a child. Confused at first, he sees nothing but costumes: princesses, Buzz Lightyears, Peter Pans... He ponders to himself for a moment, and figures out that Halloween is a mere three months from the following day. Never too early to start promoting, he supposes. As he shuffles past the counter, an elderly woman with a nametag calls out to him. "May I help you with something today, Sir?" "No thanks, just looking around." replies the man with a smile. After a pause during which the woman gives him a once over as he watches the music video playing on the big screen, she grins helpfully and exclaims "We have some very nice costumes for little girls..." with a genuine smile. He gives a polite chuckle, thinking she was referring to possible changes in his wardrobe. It is only a few seconds later he realizes the true intent behind her words when she adds "And if you have a boy, some very cute ones for little boys as well." He stops dead in his tracks as he realizes his mistake. "No thanks," he stammers, as he makes his way towards the exit in as expedient a manner as possible without being impolite.

I'd managed to go 21 years of my life without someone thinking I was old enough to have children. Alas, someone from the general public has now made that mistake. My how the years have gone by. Wasn't too long ago I thought I was cool because I got into rated R movies by myself. Now some people obviously think I'm old enough to have a child. I suppose retorting back "CHECK WITH ME IN TEN YEARS" would be a bit much. I suppose I'm just around the corner from lines like "You don't look a day over 50." Well maybe over the river and through the woods even.

Today went only slightly better than yesterday at work, but since I caught a movie afterwards and am spending two and a half hours on the road commuting each day, not a whole lot of free time involved. I'll talk about it tomorrow, maybe.