How'd That Tennis Ball Get In My Arm...
If any of you need a way to double the size of your right bicep in a week's time, I recommend just bowling a couple times in a span of a week, playing at least 3-4 games each time, and not putting your thumb in the ball. My strange style of just using the middle and ring fingers in the front two holes and having the other three simply palm it creates this really bizarre release followed by an insane left bending curve that takes it all the way from where I release it near the center over to the right gutter and all the way back over to the left side of the head pin, generally. This is sort of the way it's supposed to look, but with a lot less control and grace. :)
By the second throw tonight I felt my arm twinge as if I'd strained my bicep, which is weird because I haven't been doing any real hardcore arm workouts since I went a full week ago. I didn't stretch as properly as I should have, I guess. Deciding to play through the pain I ended up doing pretty well, I just had to rely on leaving my left hand on the ball as long as possible so my right arm was doing as little work as possible, and aiming a little further right, since it was curving more due to not having the power to get down the lane like it normally does.
Man, I probably sound like a bowling junkie by now. Well anyway, now it feels like there's a tennis ball under the skin attached to my bicep, which is I guess a good thing, other than the fact its quite sore, and I'm sure will be hard to move in the morning. Luckily I'm not at school, or I'd have to deal with "questions" about why my right arm is bigger than my left. I'm sure you can figure out what the assumption generally is. "It's all about the single room eh Matt?" Unfortunately it's harder to form tricep that does the majority of the work during push-ups and proper pull-ups with palms facing away from you. Gonna have to lay off the arm work for a couple days looks like, though. And DAMNIT I NEED TO STOP USING ITS AND IT'S...
[flexes a few more times] For the moment, I almost feel like I could arm wrestle someone, and put up a decent fight! ;)