Friday, May 10, 2002


Okay so I should probably be asleep by now, but I'm just a tad excited. That and me the idiot forgot to bring home my itinerary for the weekend, so I had to redo it. Luckily I'd planned on making changes anyway, and this one is much more relaxed and better planned. Luckily I do have the sheet with all my reservation numbers for show tickets and flight numbers and so forth. If my head wasn't attached... well you know the joke.

So the theory is heading to the airport tomorrow morning (eh like five hours from now, but I got twelve hours of sleep last night so who really cares) and showing up in Vegas at 11:30am local time. Yeah I know they're in the same timezone we are, it just sounds more official that way. Then comes three days and two nights of fun in the sun and wining and dining (well, at least dining) and eventually trapzing back here on a flight that leaves at 6:30pm Sunday, and leaving here around 9 and making my way back to UCSB around 11 or midnight. Then comes the collapsing for three days aspect, unfortunately it will be interrupted due to various classes Monday.

Feel free to scroll down to read about my dinner plans for tonight, they're pretty elaborate and with under twenty four hours to go, fate has plenty of time to work its magic.

Looked into internet cafes and so forth in Vegas, and they all charge a pretty penny, so I'll see what I can do blog wise, but most likely there will be a complete recap whenever I get back to normal sometime early next week. :) Have an awesome weekend all, because I know I will. Twenty one has its privledges.