Thursday, May 30, 2002

Moooooore Poooooooower

Hm, seem to be falling into an every other day pattern. Need to snap on out of that.

Today I finally received the hard drive space I've been so desperately needing in the form of a new Western Digital hundred gigger, and had the usual fun taking things apart and shifting things around in order to get it installed. My new IDE card allows up to 4 more drives to be installed on top of the original four, so after the hundred gig and a thirteen gig I installed just for the purpose of storing the backups of the other drive I still have two more available slots for future expansion. This brings the grand total of storage space up to 273 gigs. And about 120 of them are free space at the moment, even. Plenty of breathing room for a while, thank goodness. Burning gets old sooooooo fast.

Headed over to my friend's place tonight for some homemade sushi, wasn't exactly restaurant quality, but still very edible. :) This was followed by a lengthy DDR session (no white men can't dance but its funny watching us try...) in which much fun skidding around was had by all. This was followed by a headstand session, in which I discovered that believe it or not, I can actually do one if I try. I always thought it was impossible for me, but apparently my shape has changed such that I have a center of gravity now. Go figure. I then tried valiantly to elevate from a headstand into a handstand, but even with someone holding my feet to keep me steady, I could only get my head like two inches off the ground before collapsing. I'm convinced however that it was because I was tired from all the other stuff we were doing, like one handed pushups, clap pushups, all that fun stuff. They were quite convinced I would never be able to do it, so the gauntlet has been thrown down!

Snagged an extremely good quality dvdrip of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring today, and the DVD doesn't even come out until August, probably the most advance I've ever snagged a movie. So anyone dying to watch it, lemme know... Three hours is an awful long time, I'll probably save a second watching until next year right before the second one comes out.

Ran across a livejournal (similar to a blog) by someone in Singapore tonight, tossed an e-mail out there, we'll see if a response appears. My attempts to randomly meet people from different parts of the world tend to only be successful 50% of the time or so. What can I say, I can't rely on my good looks over an e-mail. HAHA.