The Phantom Menace...
No I'm not talking about Star Wars, I'm referring to a run in I had this morning with a ghost twig. At least, I assume it was a ghost, because I never saw it coming, and even after tripping hard over it and having to go down on two hands to maintain my upright position and stumbling several feet, and jogging back to see what it was, I never did find it. Don't you love those? I swear someone with the power of invisibility just wanders around tripping people just to get a kick out of it. Found out I'm pretty consistent, my time from last week on the pier run was within one second of this week. Guess it'll be a few weeks before progress appears. Think I'll go run the steps at Harder Stadium tomorrow, although I'll have to see if I can make it all the way out there first. ;)
Today I really should have been called M.P. Clumsy W. actually, while walking past Pulse the copy store here I was looking inside and turned basically right into this large indoor plant, much to the appreciation of the people eating lunch nearby who were desperate for entertainment. Then in Ortega I did basically the same thing when heading out, they have these tall plants in there that lean out into the pathways and just snag people as they go by, someone really needs to take a weedwhacker to 'em. I'm not bitter or anything.