Tuesday, March 12, 2002


Some fun facts you probably didn't know:

"In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders."
"23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their buttocks."
"In average, a human being will have sex more than 3,000 times and spend two weeks kissing in their lifetime."

That last one seems most impressive to me. Not necessarily the two weeks, that doesn't seem like that long given the amount of time people spend mackin away in high school, but three THOUSAND? Ya gotta figure some of us are a bit behind. Maybe married life is more interesting than once thought.

So I had my racquetball playoff game tonight, and managed to lose. Not that it was surprising, I was playing like a complete jackass, the two weeks between games was part of the problem, the fact that I've been working on my arms and am stronger than I was two weeks ago was the rest of it. Just couldn't really find the rhythmn, kept overpowering shots instead of using finesse. Still managed to drag it out to the third game before I lost that one 11-9. Sigh. Quite irritating, but only because I hate to lose, especially when I know I was supposed to win.

Found an interesting site called the High IQ Society or something or other, the IQ tests they have posted are basically impossibly hard. Supposedly they help weed out the 130s and 140s from the 150s and 160s, or something. Took me quite some time, but I get my kicks from doing that kind of thing, so go figure.

Got one week til finals start, going to start scheduling my studying time since once they start they're pretty rapid fire until they're done. Still not sure of my plans for Spring Break, I'd like to go North for various reasons, but not sure how the transportation issues will work out, or whether I should just drive, or whatnot.

Got a haircut today. Wish I could get a haircut without everyone and their puppy saying something about it, but alas. Generally its not bad, but the "HOLY JUNK MATT WHERE'D ALL THE HAIR GO" gets old. I think I'm just irritated because I lost. Gr.