I Wish I May I Wish I Might...
So I've been browsing around the internet as I tend to do looking for el cheapo auctions for the products on my "wish list" so to speak... So for all those of you millionaires with money to blow in the vicinity of my birthday in May, I recommend the following items: Viewsonic VP230mb flat panel monitor, and Klipsch Promedia 5.1 speakers. The speakers are only 400 bucks retail, and still new enough that they're not falling anywhere below that even at auction. The behemoth of a monitor (its 23.1 inch VIEWABLE) is valued at about 4 grand at the moment, and its prices hasn't exactly been dropping through the floor either. Would be quite the awesome purchase however, my current monitor is 18.1 viewable, but it isn't PF (perfect flat) and takes up about 2 feet of depth as well, whereas the one that's 5 inches bigger would take up a foot LESS of desk space, which is at a premium these days. My current monitor was purchased soon after I came to college, so I've gotten a good 3 years or so of 24/7 usage, pretty good shelf life for a monitor. It suits my needs I suppose, but there's always something bigger and better out there. :)
While we're on the geek topic, the other reason a flat panel would much improve my lifestyle is that it would be easier to pack for the journey to Mesquite, Texas, this summer for the annual Quakecon event. 99% of the people who read this won't know what the hell Quakecon is, but its basically the largest multiplayer pc gaming event in the world, drawing thousands of participants from all over the world every year. Call it a geek convention if you like, but its a strong interest of mine, and it will be quite awesome to spend a long weekend having a blast for four straight days with no sleep with people who are like minded. The reservations have been made at the hotel connected to the convention center where it will be held, luckily because I happened across a site that leaked the dates and managed to snag one of the last rooms available even before it was officially announced yet. So if you're looking for me between Aug 14-19, I'll probably be either there, or on the road, making the twenty four hour or so non-stop journey between my home near Los Angeles and the grand state of Texas. Luckily planning to go with a few companions so as to share the rental car/gas/hotel costs, and driving shifts.
Still in the initial planning stages, but between that and my Vegas trip sometime this spring/early summer, its shaping up to be a pretty incredible year.