Ahhhhhhhhhh, Mmmmmmmmmmm
Back Massages. Coolest things ever. Well for the moment anyway. I'm not really into the hard grind your muscles dig your fingernails into tendons kind that a lot of people seem to enjoy for some reason (both receiving AND giving) but just being able to relax and relief stiffness is just eternal bliss for me. Hint hint to everyone who knows me who feels like doing me an incredibly wonderful favor. :) I like to think I'm decent at giving them too, the jury will have to let me know about that one though.
Was out driving yesterday and went past this big open field where I saw the most gigantic fire I've ever seen in my life... It was this humongous bonfire, the base of which was at least 20 meters across, reaching almost as high... Not sure what it was all about, but it was a pretty incredible sight. Made two U-turns just to get a couple more looks. :)
Saturday night, not much to do, early in the quarter so nothing I should be doing, and didn't have anything planned... This used to be the case just about every weekend for me, but lately I've actually had somewhat of a social calendar, its made me feel better about myself socially. :)