Monday, December 17, 2001

One Good, One Not So Good...

Headed out to the AMC 20 with a couple high school friends, paid to see Spy Game then theater hopped over to Not Another Teen Movie. In case you still haven't figured out the header, Spy Game was excellent, the wann-be comedy was not. It was basically an imitation Scary Movie, only not as funny and much more nauseating. That is, unless you like looking at naked male ass. Ugly, naked male ass. Back to the more pleasant subject, I thought Robert Redford and Brad Pitt both performed well in the former, quite entertaining.

Probably going to be handing out a lot of reviews this break, plenty of movies out I'd like to see. I'm sure I'll head over to the mall for a 2 or 3 movie outing at least once or twice (hey, its cheaper that way).

Been playing a lot of Empire Earth, a new game based on the likes of AOE2 and WC2, its time consuming, but that's pretty much all I can say about it to this point. I'm used to the Civ2 type progressing through time, and its much more difficult to achieve that in this game. Basically its build the biggest army and go crush the opponent, which isn't the type of strategy I generally use, so I've been getting worked over by the computer pretty good. It cheats, I swear!

Also been replaying RTCW on the most difficult skill level, still going to have to give it the best graphics/gameplay award of the holiday season. Ghost Recon is a close second, but given they're different types of games they can't really be compared. FIFA 2002 and NHL 2002 have been providing needed breaks as well, nothing like body slamming an opponent into the boards to relieve stress, especially if playing against a brother or such. Haven't yet tried Madden 2002, getting around to it. :) I think I'm looking forward to the multiplayer aspect of RTCW most, its based on the Q3 engine which I have always performed well at, should provide hours of fragfests. Of course playing in cooperative mode in games is another thing I've always thought was highly entertaining, and being able to do that with Ghost Recon against foes set to a very high difficulty level should prove to be quite challenging.


I've always thought that the perfect woman for me would be one that was at least interested in computer gaming, if not a gamer herself. I could go on for days talking about something I'm interested in, like how far I got in a certain game or how many people I fragged that round, but if its just the "smile and nod" response I just don't feel loved. :/ I know I'm always impressed by a gamer of the female type who gives me a thorough ass whooping. Its something to admire. Ah, wouldn't it be nice if someone like that was out there. ;)