To the best of my ability, that's what my alarm sounds like in the morning. Apparently its not annoying enough. Managed to sleep through something I shouldn't have, causing all sorts of problems like me having to fib a little about certain aspects of my morning, yadda yadda yadda. So anyway, it was all uphill from there. Now that I think about it that saying is retarded. Saying "thing went downhill from there" generally means the day got worse. Then again, saying "its all downhill from here" tends to mean things are getting easier. Basically the same sentence meaning total opposite things. Hoif.
So anyway, at some point during the summer I was bored and signed up for a lot of those online dating meeting friendship whatever type sites that you post your pic and profile to and wait for "the one." So I get an e-mail from one of them today. Among a few other things it says "are you really that old, you don't look that old you look really young, I'm really 16 so e-mail me back but you don't have to if you don't want to if you're really 18 i'm sorry." A couple things make this interesting, first of all the fact my profile states I'm 20, not 18. Second of all the fact that someone thinks I look younger than I am, especially given I tend to be seen as a twenty-something by most, and have been unfortunately been offered alcohol at restaurants since I was about 17. The third and perhaps strangest thing is that at that particular site that the e-mail came from, in order to contact other members you have to use up one of your "credits" with the site. You start out with zero, but can purchase them at a rate of ten bucks for three credits, with better deals at a scalable rate at higher denominations. So someone actually paid at least three bucks to send me that random e-mail. Weird. Quite.
Tried installing XP today, had a file error on the cd, going to have to find another image of it or something like that, even though it installed perfectly fine on another computer with that exact image. Strange. Will fiddle more this weekend, got three days due to the holiday, should find plenty to do.