Monday, October 29, 2001

A Revelation.

So I'm sitting in lunch today, and absolutely randomly have a revelation, that the smoothie girl worked on the Move-In crew with me, helping people move into the dorm, and that's where I'd met her. I'd never seen her before that, and hadn't seen her since, hence my lack of intelligent thought on the manner. Stranger still is that she managed to remember who i was. Chalk it up to randomness i suppose..

So Caltech was fun, although driving kind of sucks. The way there was worse off because the people i was with were asleep the whole time, leaving me to fend for myself... On the way back the one girl I gave a ride to was very talkative about how her weekend went, so we exchanged stories and had a good time. More details on what CalTech is really like later (believe me, its not what you think, if you're thinking anything at all and haven't been there).

MJ's new album is out tomorrow, I'm quite interested to see how well it does, and if I personally think its any good. Should be worth the download to see, anyway.

Jeez, i've done that like twenty times. You'd be amazed how easy it is to fit a finger in the gap between the top of a drawer and the desk surface above, and how painful and hard it is to get it out.

