The Power of Silence
Saw something today that I found quite amazing... Was waiting outside the central walkway thouroughfare through campus outside the library and I noticed a group of approximately thirty people all standing motionless facing west, as if their attention was focused on an invisible point of light. Looking closer I saw a small sign next to them stating "Join Us In A Silent Vigil for Peace." Unfortunately I agree with the tactics my country is using as a retaliatory measure against the cause of the September 11th attacks, but I was still impressed by the demonstration. I was there about a half hour, and I swear some of the people didn't move a muscle in that entire time. It drew a lot of stares from passers by, the message was obviously being heard, even though no words were spoken. As is usually the case however, the positive argument was negatively affected by one skateboarder who came up in order to shout "Yeah, I'm so sure they're going to stop the bombing now that you're wasting your time standing there." I felt bad, even though I knew he was right. I guess its kind of like calling someone fat. Even if you think its true, knocking them down really doesn't gain you anything.
Played my first intramural (I wonder if its spelled intermural, I don't think so) indoor soccer game tonight, which was also my first indoor soccer game of any kind. Had a lot of fun, and realized how out of shape I really am. About ten minutes into the first half and I felt pretty much like my lungs were going to fall out of my chest. Its sad, my muscles are pretty much in shape, my leg muscles haven't really changed since high school, its just my lungs that are way behind. Enjoyed a stint as goalkeeper for a while, mainly because it involved less movement and was basically a break. Did pretty decent I think, besides letting in a really lame goal off my hands at the end. Score ended up 4-8 in favor of the other team, but we were at a severe disadvantage. Besides being mostly club players, they also had about fifteen players handy, whereas we only had the required six. So while we were dying, they were busy line changing three players every five minutes. I think it could have been much worse, and its a good starting point.
Gonna save those dream descriptions for a boring day, seems I've actually had stuff to talk about for the last couple. :)