A Bright Idea...
Decided I'm going to write posts in another proggy and paste them in only when ready to put them up, to avoid such frustrations in the future. Oig.
Finally got around to watching the first episode of Enterprise tonight... (waits for the boos hoots jeers and insults) Go ahead and rip on me, I was a Lt. Data fan, and man Levar Burton with that visor thing, I wanted to be like him when I grew up... The new series appears quite entertaining, has a cool opening sequence with a remix of Rod Stewart's "Faith in the Heart" on it that makes ya want to go and build a science project or something...
My problem with TV shows is I'm never around/available to watch them regularly, and I always end up missing stuff and getting annoyed that I'm out of the loop... Thank goodness for the internet... I've gotten into download TV episodes and even full series lately, the quality is about the same as a VHS tape, and if you have the space or the CDs you can even store your favorites. :) Course the best reason is the people who capture them always edit out the commercials and rifraf, so you can watch the usual half hour sitcom in just over fifteen minutes, or an hour's worth in forty. Makes it easy to watch them back to back to back too, and you don't have to wait a whole week each time. :)
Been stacking up all the episodes of Band of Brothers, the miniseries on HBO produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks about World War II, I've heard nothing but great things about it. I figure it'll be a Saving Private Ryan type great movie, except much more in depth. Each episode runs about seventy five minutes without commercials, and I'm pretty sure there's going to be at least ten, possibly twelve! I'll probably end up watching three or so at a time, dedicate a weekend to it or something.
The people across the hall are having WAY too much fun now that they've discovered hotornot.com, I've been hearing them screaming ratings for like an hour now... You'd be amazed what can hold the attention of certain kinds of people. :)
Haircut today, its been a bit over a month, I figure I'll stick to getting one around the 15th each month, that way I won't let it get too overgrown or waste money getting it cut too soon. Wonder how much money I would save if I just bought the tools and did it myself. A hundred fifty a year, probably. Hm...