Thursday, September 06, 2001

VMA's, Very Magnificent... Hmm, Can't Think Of A Good 'A' Word

Finishing up watching the VMA's as we speak, its been quite an entertaining show. Most entertaining event of the night for me was the surprise appearance by Michael Jackson in the middle of NSYNC's performance. He looked a little stiff, a little out of the loop, but he could still move.

Might as well get this one out in the open, I am not afraid to admit that I am a diehard Michael Jackson fan. Growing up I spent hours trying to get the dance sequence from "Beat It" down pat, watched Captain EO at least thirty times at Disneyland, and must have passed by the full length mirror in my parent's bedroom at least a thousand different times, doing my best to "moonwalk." In my opinion, there has never been a better dancer, someone who could captivate an entire audience with five seconds of motion. I remember his Super Bowl halftime show, with the guys up on the scoreboards, and him eventually shooting out of the stage, immediately followed by 2 solid minutes of screaming by thousands of fans. I remember the premiere of the Black and White video, with the dancing of all the different cultures, and the people's faces morphing into each other.

What's sad, is I feel like I'm writing a eulogy. Its pathetic the way some people get the short end of the stick. Personally, I think regardless of whether he was guilty of what he was accused or not, he's done his time. Six years in a hole is more than enough punishment. I hope he comes back to create more memorable moments to wow us all. It was great to see him on stage tonight, and looks like there will be a CBS special with him and a bunch of other stars in November, looking forward to it.

Those fight for your rights commercials are pretty funny. Amazing the types of stereotypes that people actually believe these days. I spent most of the evening trying to explain to my parents who half the artists were, as they referred to their music as "pure noise." Basically anything that doesn't play on "love songs on the KOST 103.5" will not get much play time in my house. I consider myself open to all types of music, there's literally no genre of music I dislike as a whole. I used to think so, til I found some country songs with a great melody, some metal songs with a catchy rhythm, and some rap with some lyrics that were quite powerful. My playlist on Winamp has about six hundred songs on it, everything I have, and there's really no song on there that I don't listen to at least once a month.

I love that feeling of hearing a song on the radio that you've never heard before except a couple times, that you really like. I remember every time I saw the preview for Titan AE I would get goosebumps, mainly due to Creed's song Higher playing in the background. Made me want to get up and run a marathon, or something. I generally download a song like that within a day or two, and listen to it endlessly for a while. Unfortunately you lose that feeling of excitement, and that stinks. I generally put them away for a while after that, so that I can still get the thrill of setting Winamp on shuffle, and surprise myself with songs I haven't heard in at least a week or two. :)

Day off tomorrow, wooooooo. Anyone available? :) My e-mail addy is somewhere down there but I forgot to mention I'm also on AIM generally for those who prefer the, "diddley dee, diddley doo" sounds. :) thndrMATT's the name, sayin hi's the game.